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闪星乐队 - Tears

    Tears falling down on the sheets, I remember 我记得泪水滴落在床单上
    Rivers of tears on your cheeks, I remember 我记得你泪如泉涌的面颊
    Falling asleep in your arms, I remember 我记得在你的臂弯中入睡
    Holding you tight until I'd fall asleep 我想抱紧你知道我深深的睡去
      I remember all the things we'd do, when we're all together 我清楚的记得我们在一起时做过的说有的事情
    This dream I'd love to live in exploded again
      Heartbreaking memories,  Yes they come and go 让人心碎的记忆来去匆匆
     Heartbreaking memories,  I just can't let you go out of my mind

    感动 同情 无聊 愤怒 搞笑 难过 高兴 路过
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